Lin Xiuqin 林秀芹
Dean of XMU Intellectual Property Research Institute
Law Professor
Room of 216, School of Law, Xiamen University 2185756
She is also occupied as executive director of China IP Law Association, executive director of China Economic Law Association and vice director of its academic association, arbitrator of Xiamen Arbitration Association and lawyer of Xiamen Lianhexinshi Law Firm.
Educational background
1999.10-2002.9 Law School of Oxford University
1999.5-1999.7 visiting scholar in Jesus College of Cambridge University
1998.5-1999.5 visiting scholar in University of London Asian and African School
1988.7-1998.5 lecturer and associate professor of Xiamen University Law Department
1985.9-1988.7 master of law, Xiamen University Law Department
1981.9-1985.7 bachelor of law, Southwest University of Political Science and Law
1996.9-2003.12 PhD candidate in international economic law, Xiamen University Law School
Courses taught
Intellectual property law, economic law, corporate law, innovation and intellectual property, development of innovation driven IP strategy, intellectual property management
Research and publication
1. 林秀芹、刘铁光著:《自主知识产权的创造、运用与法律机制》,宝威体育官方网站出版社,2011年版;
2. 林秀芹等著:《促进技术创新的法律机制研究》,高等教育出版社,2010年版;
3. 林秀芹著:《TRIPS体制下的专利强制许可制度研究》,法律出版社,2006年版。
1. Lin Xiuqin,‘ Compulsory Licensing and Refusal to License: A Chinese Perspective’, p.1~20, presented on The Fifth Conference on European and Asian Intellectual Property: Compulsory Licensing, co-organized by the Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica, Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property and Competition Law; 3~5 December 2012, Taiwan;
2. Lin Xiuqin and Zeng Siping,“Lawful Use by Third Parties of Patented Subject Matter:A Chinese Perspective”(已提交德国马普知识产权法研究所的项目负责人,准备整理出版);
3. 《专利许可与许可费收取问题研究》。此为申请人曾主持的国家知识产权局项目的结题报告。
1. 论文类
(3) Lin Xiuqin, Prior Negotiation and Remuneration for Patent Compulsory Licensing: Practice, Problem and Proposal, in Reto M. Hilty, Kung-Chung Liu (eds) Compulsory Licensing: Practical Experiences and Ways Forward, Springer, 2014;
(4)Lin Xiuqin, Huawei v IDC: Some Tentative Comments,首届亚太知识产权论坛论文集,2013年;
(5)Lin Xiuqin, The Recent Developments of China’s Trademark Law and Its Implications, CWG-DIALOG, Chemnitzer Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft e. V., p5-10,02/2012;
(6) Lin Xiuqin and Liu Tieguang, The balance of copyright: A Chinese perspective, in R.M.Hilty & S.Nérisson (eds.), The Balance of Copyright-a Comparative Approach, Springer Verlag, p255-285, 2011;
(7)林秀芹:《< 专利保护宣言>述评》,载《中外知识产权评论》,2014年12月;
(13)林秀芹、刘铁光:《论专利许可使用权的性质——兼评< 专利法实施条例修订草案>第15条与第99条》,载《电子知识产权》2010年第1期,55-59页。